If you experienced leaks, flooding or dampness in your home or business during Superstorm Sandy, it is important to perform a thorough inspection to be sure there are no lingering mold hazards.

Mold can occur as a result of plumbing leaks, leaking roofs or windows, high humidity, flooding or condensation inside walls because of poor insulation.

Excessive moisture is the key condition that allows molds to grow.

Molds are fungi that occur naturally in the environment. But they may cause problems when they grow inside homes and buildings.

Some building materials such as drywall, ceiling tiles and wood framing contain cellulose, which is a material on which molds can grow.

Because it feeds off cellulose, mold can weaken studs, joists and other structures, causing extensive property damage.

For areas less than 10 feet that may be affected by mold growth, a homeowner or building maintenance worker may be able to eradicate the problem. If the mold-affected area is larger than 10 feet, it is best to hire a contractor who is experienced in mold remediation.

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